Saturday, February 1, 2014

Snow, Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad, and shoofly quilts

Hey! Mizz Mac has had a very busy month with 3 birthdays, the funeral of an old friend's father which resulted in an impromptu reunion with child hood friends, two out of town trips, one to the mountains of North Carolina and the other to the beach of Saint Simons Island, a cold weather blast of extremely cold temperatures and a snow storm! Whew!! It's been a busy month!
 I have posted this lesson several times because American History is interesting to me. We have some unique stories and one of those is the Underground Railroad. I have read stories about the Underground Railroad and the people involved with helping the runaway slaves to escape. There is a quilt square called the Shoofly quilt square that supposedly women who were supporters of the runaway slaves and the railroad made quilts using the shoofly pattern. The quilts were then thrown over the laundry line as a signal to the slaves to either show directions or the owners in the house were helpers.

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