Monday, June 9, 2014

Watercolors/spill free paint for children's art projects

Last week I bought my grandchildren a “new to me” watercolor painting product that advertised no spills, no water needed, etc. The water is in the brush! So I bought one to try out with my 4 year old granddaughter. She loved it at first until she mixed all the colors in the yellow and forgot to clean the brush on the cleaning pad. This led to extreme frustration on her part. So I cleaned the cleaning pad and washed out the yellow.  The brushes look like markers which may have confused her. She is used to painting with a real brush and dipping said brush into a cup of water to change colors. So this grandma/ art teacher gets her granddaughter a cup of water, and all frustration is gone.  Here is what she painted: a dragon that roars!!

My advice is if you buy one of these products and your child/student/grandchild is used to painting with a real brush and uses the dip-in-water-dry-the-brush-on sponge/paper towels-dip-in-paint painting technique, save yourself from a headache and a frustrated child and give the child a cup of water!! Mizz Mac

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